According to Marca newspaper (Spain), former football player David Beckham is working quietly, but is about to achieve huge goals to elevate Inter Miami Club, which he is president and co-owner of from the beginning of 2024.”David Beckham is determined to bring striker Luis Suarez to Inter Miami right from the beginning of 2024, after this 36-year-old veteran Uruguayan player officially parted ways with Gremio Club (Brazil). Not only Suarez, The 48-year-old former British player also wants two other Barcelona stars, Sergi Roberto and Rakitic, and goalkeeper David de Gea (who is a free agent after parting ways with M.U),” Marca said.
“David Beckham’s ambitious project with Inter Miami Club is really convincing Suarez to agree to join and work side by side with his close friend Messi,” Marca newspaper shared.”It could be a possibility. I have the best player in the world, a great friend there,” Suarez expressed about joining Inter Miami and reuniting with Messi, in a separate interview with Journalist Juan Pablo Varsky (Argentina) on the Clank program on December 15.
“So far, Messi has not mentioned to me joining Inter Miami. I still don’t know where I will play next. But I feel everything is very optimistic. What I need most right now is rest and enjoy the time with my family. I also talked to the lawyer about some things and hope it will happen,” Suarez spoke frankly about the possibility of moving to Inter Miami, when talking to journalists Juan Pablo Varsky.According to Marca: “Suarez’s choice to go to Inter Miami is almost complete, it’s just a matter of time and the paperwork and terms of the contract are still being discussed. Suarez chose to leave Gremio, which is also intention to reunite with Messi, Jordi Alba and Sergio Busquets, who are very close friends since they played at Barcelona.”
To prepare for the 2024 season, Inter Miami Club has planned a massive tour in Saudi Arabia and Japan, with a total of 6 matches lasting from mid-January 2024 to mid-February 2024, including the match against the national team. El Salvador, 2 matches against Al Hilal and Al Nassr Clubs (with Cristiano Ronaldo), a match against the Stars team in the Hong Kong Championship, a match against Vissel Kobe Club (Japan) and a match against Newell’s Old Boys (Argentina).
Suarez is expected to participate with Inter Miami Club and his close friend Messi in these matches, if he can complete his contract from January 1, 2024.