Tiny Kitten Shows the Strong Will of a House Panther, Refusing to Give Up, When She’s Found Outside

A tiny kitten showed the willpower of a house panther when she was found outside, refusing to give up.


Minimo, the kitten, was found as a tiny newborn, weighing merely 55 grams, about half the size of some of her siblings.

The mother cat left Minimo and her littermates shortly after giving birth and never returned for them. A concerned member of the community rushed to save them while working on securing the mama with a humane trap.

They quickly noticed Minimo was exceptionally small and urgently needed one-on-one care.

She was half the size of some of her siblingsChatonsOrphelinsMontreal

Chatons Orphelins Montreal stepped up to take her while the other kittens were transferred to another carer.

“Minimo was just skin and bones at 55 grams (nearly two ounces), and the chances of survival were very slim. She didn’t have the strength to take the bottle, and her mouth was so tiny,” Chatons Orphelins Montreal shared.

Minimo weighed only 55 grams, almost two ouncesChatonsOrphelinsMontreal

Minimo’s foster mom kept her warm since she couldn’t regulate her body temperature and carefully fed her every hour around the clock. After several sleepless nights, the kitten started to perk up with renewed energy.

Eventually, they found the mama cat and brought her to safety, but she refused to tend to her kittens.


When the rescue group discovered Minimo’s surviving siblings needed additional care and attention, they immediately offered to take them and arranged for an experienced foster volunteer to look after them.

Meanwhile, the little runt continued to fight with every ounce of her being, determined to live.


Minimo forged on and surprised everyone with her fighting spirit. After two weeks of painstaking care, she got the hang of her bottle, opened her eyes to see, and even attempted to walk and explore.

They didn’t know if she would make it when they first got her, but with her strong will and her foster mom’s dedication, she pulled through.

She finally got the hang of her bottleChatonsOrphelinsMontreal

Her ears began to unfold when she matched the size of her tiny bottle. With her developing senses, she grew curious about her surroundings as her foster mom carried her everywhere, keeping up with her feedings.

Despite her miniature size, Minimo has the determination and spirit of a panther. “She doesn’t hesitate to ask for food when she’s hungry. She can now suckle from the bottle and eats very quickly.”


After getting a full belly, Minimo proudly shows off her tiny milk-stache as her foster mom cleans and caresses her.

She stays in her little “bat-mobile” (the carrier) with her human constantly by her side. She’s surrounded by warm blankets and soft plushies and reassured that she’s never alone.

Minimo and her milk-stacheChatonsOrphelinsMontreal

At three weeks old, Minimo is more than five times her intake weight. She’s growing a beautiful “panther” coat, getting fluffier and plumper each day.

“Minimo was tiny when she arrived, and since she refused the bottle, feeding her was a challenge. But now, her bottle routine is well established. She is weighed every morning and evening to make sure she’s on the right track.”

At three weeks old, she weighed in at 295 grams, about 10 ouncesChatonsOrphelinsMontreal

Despite all the odds against her, Minimo has conquered every hurdle and is finally thriving.

She’s starting to play with fuzzy toys, waving her legs in the air, revealing her fierce attitude. “She is very vocal when she is hungry or when we clean her. Her big personality is emerging.”

She’s getting fluffier and plumper each dayChatonsOrphelinsMontreal

The tiny palm-sized wonder has blossomed into a gorgeous mini house panther. When she’s ready, she will join other kittens, honing their feline skills and learning the art of mischief-making.

She’s starting to play with toysChatonsOrphelinsMontreal


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