Quiet Cat Keeps to Himself Until He Meets ‘Shelter Bully’, They Form Unexpected Bond and Change Each Other

A quiet cat mostly kept to himself until he met the “shelter bully.” They changed each other and formed an unexpected bond.

Carter and HenryExploitsValleySPCA

Carter, the cat, came to Exploits Valley SPCA as an emaciated stray. Rough around the edges, he was withdrawn and timid and would hiss if anyone came near.

“This, of course, deters people from adopting him when other cats leap into your arms. But Carter deserves love and needs it to finally feel safe and comfortable,” the SPCA shared.

They saw a gentle soul behind those fearful eyes. “He loves his chin scratched and to be spoken to softly.”

Carter was very shy when he first arrived at the shelterExploitsValleySPCA

Over the next six months, the shelter staff worked tirelessly to socialize Carter and help him trust. He no longer hid away in his kennel and felt comfortable enough to stretch and relax in the room.

He got along with friendly cats but mostly kept to himself. With his newfound confidence, he approached people for attention and pets, and his playful side also emerged.

Slowly but surely, he came out of his shellExploitsValleySPCA

“He’s grown in many ways… not only just in width. Carter now loves staff and volunteers and is even friendly with the public who come to visit. This guy has done a total 180 since coming to the shelter and is always making us laugh.”

“He’s gone from being a cat that no one could touch to rolling over looking for belly rubs.”

He now enjoys rolling around on the floorExploitsValleySPCA

In a different part of the shelter, Henry, the cat, had arrived with matted fur all over his legs and underbelly. After a spa day, he felt much better and curled up in his bed for some much-needed shut-eye.

But the shelter environment was stressful for him. “Henry wasn’t happy and starting to be a bit of a bully.”

Henry was rescued with matted fur all over his legs and bellyExploitsValleySPCA

He wanted to be the star of attention and didn’t want to share his space with other cats. “He is sweet to people, especially when you fawn over him and tell him how gorgeous he is. At only a few years old, he was rescued from outside and never claimed.”

For a while, the staff thought he would need a home where he could be the only kitty.

He didn’t want to share his space with other catsExploitsValleySPCA

Weeks turned into months, and Henry was still there, eagerly awaiting his forever home. Meanwhile, Carter had been in the shelter for over a year and had become a fixture.

Carter enjoys the company of the staff and volunteers, “but mostly, he loves the comfy beds and never-empty food dishes. He’s grown so big, the size of a basketball, and will often sprawl in the middle of the floor, proudly displaying his belly.”


He never bonded with any other cat until he met the most unlikely match, Henry.

“Henry picks on the new cats, torments older ones, and loves to cause mischief. He has swatted the hands that feed, but he’s also very lovable on his own terms. I’ve always said he would do best in a home as an only cat, which makes his love for Carter all the more special.”

Carter and Henry formed an unexpected bondExploitsValleySPCA

“Henry, who loves only himself, has decided that Carter is his equal.”

Shortly after they met, Henry was drawn to Carter’s calming presence. He began cuddling beside him and following him everywhere. “He doesn’t torment him, and he treats him differently than the others.”


The two have formed a beautiful friendship that no one ever expected.

Carter loves being around Henry and his goofy antics. He doesn’t mind having a shadow trailing behind him and purrs as they share adventures together.

Henry follows Carter everywhereExploitsValleySPCA

Henry looks so at ease, finding comfort in his best friend. Carter’s purrs have grown louder with Henry by his side. “We all love a bromance at the shelter, especially when it’s an unlikely duo.”

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