‘INJURY PULLS’ Why Argentina’s Copa America win over Chile could be a disappointment for Lionel Messi fans

Although Lionel Messi’s squad won against Chile, it may have disappointed the legions of fans who traveled from city to city to watch him play during Copa América 2024…

Argentina’s 1-0 victory over Chile at MetLife Stadium on Tuesday night sent them to the Copa America quarterfinals, although Messi was held scoreless for the second group play encounter.One day after turning 37, he had his chances, but failed to score in the second consecutive Copa America game…

However, the most significant moment of the Chilean encounter happened in the 25th minute when Messi was observed receiving massages from a trainer in his right groin and adductor region.

Messi completed the game, but according to Argentine news source TYCSports, he will have his injury assessed by medical professionals and might not play in Argentina’s third group play match on Saturday against Peru at Hard Rock Stadium in Miami, where he has spent the previous year living.

I developed a hard adductor in the first play. I didn’t feel ripped or punctured, but it was tough for me to walk around freely,” Messi stated following the game in a mixed-zone interview.

Messi responded to the reporters once more, saying, “I hope it’s nothing serious, because I was able to [finish the match].”

It would be unfortunate if the biggest player in soccer, who plays for Major League Soccer team Inter Miami, was unable to represent his new hometown in a Copa America…

Argentina had a terrific victory. After two games in Group A, they have six points and have guaranteed a spot to the quarterfinals. Argentina can afford to be cautious because Chile and Peru are at the bottom of the group with one point apiece, and Canada is in second place with three points. They can use the Peruvian game to give other players a chance to participate and give guys like Messi some much-needed rest for the final stretch.

Messi doesn’t need to be coerced or forced to play. Being a fierce competitor, Messi naturally wants to participate in every game.

But Messi’s health is crucial, and not just for Argentina’s chances of winning the Copa America.However, for Inter Miami following the competitionAnd the major push for soccer in the US with the World Cup 2026 just two years away..

After the game, Argentine coach Lionel Scaloni claimed he had no conversation with Messi. He did, however, raise two concerns about Messi’s health: his completion of the game and a breakaway run he made in the closing minutes when Argentina attempted for a second goal following Lautaro Martinez’s game-winning goal.


Then, Scaloni says something that admirers of Messi could find upsetting: whether or not he’s healthy. Given the near insignificance of the Peru encounter, Argentina can use the opportunity to start some of its younger bench players and gain vital Copa America experience…

Scaloni remarked, “We are happy, and we can enjoy the days and give the youngest ones minutes.” “I believe it is appropriate for the players who were not given minutes to enter the field.”

Due to a similar ailment, Messi missed six games towards the conclusion of the last Inter Miami season and a preseason game in Hong Kong earlier this year. He also missed some time earlier in the MLS season because of a hamstring strain.

Messi has found that rest and recuperation are the greatest treatments for injuries, but time may not be on his side for the Copa America…

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