Natalya rescued Fedya, a gray cat of four years old. He is now a healthy and content cat because Natalya took him in when he was a sick kitten and nursed him to health. Having said that, Fedya’s face is what really set her apart from the other cats. You may say that his peculiar eye positioning gives him a constantly shocked appearance on his face. That, however, does not impact Fedya’s life in a bad way; in fact, his peculiar appearance has brought him an incredible 400K Instagram followers.

Without further ado, we encourage you to read the tale below and learn more about Fedya, the internet’s prettiest scaredy-cat.
A team of local press contacted Natalya again, and this time she spilled the beans on the difficulties Fedya encountered in the beginning.

The first few days, Fedya was incredibly frail. He needed his mother’s milk and food, but he couldn’t locate her on his own. Using a pipette, we gave him goat’s milk. At one month of age, he grasped the concept of the litter box and began to use it in an unconventional way, going around the room and around the walls instead of taking the easiest path. Maybe he was able to better sense his location thanks to the barriers. Fedya began attempting to leap onto the windowsill in an effort to reach the street as he became older. However, he was incapable of accomplishing that. Prior to that, he put in about a year of training. He had no idea how to ascend a tree. He crawled onto the bed by burying his claws in the cover for about a year because he couldn’t leap on.

Natalya was requested by us to tell us about the exact time when Fedya became famous.
“The fact that we attracted thousands of members in a matter of days and began receiving correspondence from journalists throughout the globe made me understand that Fedya had become an online phenomenon. After that, word got out to the local press, and they began contacting us. It astounded me. Fedya was just a regular cat—a little odd and humorous—to me; I never thought of him as an exclusive cat. I was relieved that my cat made so many people happy, even though being an introvert made me struggle with fame.”

That’s one cat that makes weird looking faces.

Weird but adorable.

This cat is so cute.

Looks surprised all the time.

This time it looks angry.

What are you upto human!

This cat must be viral on Instagram.

How come this cat never made it to being a meme.

Reminds me of a friend.

Wonder whats going on in this cats head.

Looks like a lazy cat.

Like our beloved Garfield.

They even made a look alike.

Wish I had a cat like that.

Would make my day just looking at it’s face.

Looks so grumpy at times.