Cat Spotted on the Street Alone, Only 48 Hours After Being Taken in They Find Her with Kittens

A cat was spotted alone on the street. Just 48 hours after bringing her inside, they found her with a litter of kittens.

Shannon and her kittensBestFriendsFelines

A beautiful calico cat was wandering the streets, alone with no home to go to. A Good Samaritan noticed her round belly and suspected she was pregnant.

As they approached the cat, they realized how friendly she was and that she desperately needed safe shelter. “Thankfully, the kind-hearted stranger spotted her and brought her to one of our partner vets,” Best Friends Felines shared.

How she ended up outdoors remains a mystery. However, the sweet calico was happy to be found and grateful to be somewhere safe.

She was found alone wandering the streetsBestFriendsFelines

Without a microchip or anyone stepping forward to claim her, the cat named Shannon was welcomed into a foster home through Best Friends Felines. She wasted no time settling in, feeling at home almost instantly.

“She now has a warm, safe space to bring her babies into the world.”


Shannon was incredibly affectionate with her caregivers, showering them with purrs and snuggles and exuding confidence and elegance.

Just 48 hours after arrival, they walked into the room and were delighted by quite the surprise. Perhaps Shannon had been seeking the perfect place to give birth. As soon as she felt safe and cared for, she knew it was time.

Just 48 hours after arriving, she went into laborBestFriendsFelines

Shannon went into labor and delivered five happy and robust babies. They nursed contentedly, each with a hearty appetite for a newborn. “She had two tuxedos, two tabbies, and one stunning dark ginger and white, all weighing in at a very healthy 109-116 grams.”

The mama’s trust in her people was evident from the very beginning. While she was having her first kitten, she decided to “scramble over to their lap to deliver.”

She gave birth to five kittensBestFriendsFelines

After her third kitten was born, she returned to her birthing suite, allowing her humans to help clean and warm her babies, trusting them to handle the task with care.

She seemed relieved to have someone by her side, supporting her as she delivered her last litter.


All five kittens had a wonderful start to life, surrounded by cozy blankets, their mom’s unconditional love, and the gentle hands of those who cared for them. “Shannon is attentive, loving, and never leaves their side.”

“The babies are latching perfectly, have gained weight, and are already showing off their healthy lungs and determined wriggles.”

They are getting bigger, stronger, and more active each dayBestFriendsFelines

At a few days old, the five bundles of joy are becoming more active, moving around, and growing stronger with each passing day. Shannon keeps a watchful eye on them even when she’s taking a break.

As soon as they make a peep, she rushes back to the nest and tends to their every whim.


It will take another week before their peepers start to open. Once the kittens discover there’s a whole world beyond their nest, one by one, their curiosity will drive them out of bed, ready for the many adventures that await.

For now, Mama Shannon ensures her babies have full bellies and clean coats, all while smothering them with love and cuddles.


“Once she’s finished her motherly duties in a few weeks, she’ll be ready to find her forever home.”

Thanks to the kind stranger, Shannon found a safe home just in time for her kittens. They are now thriving, their days filled with warmth, love, and joy.


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