Breaking: Leo Messi update after injury directly from Argentinian journalist Paradizo

Leo Messi update after injury directly from Argentinian journalist Paradizo

Có thể là hình ảnh về 3 người, mọi người đang chơi bóng bầu dục và mọi người đang chơi bóng đá

“As time passes, pessimism is growing based on whatwe are hearing and discovering regarding Leo Messi’s injury. I can tell you directly that Messi’s presence in the quarterfinals could be at risk”.“He is not ruled out, but is at risk. Some even believe that playing him could risk worsening his injury, making it more severe, when he might be available for the semifinals instead”.“Internally, this situation is impacting him emotionally. He is upset and frustrated about his adductor issue. He has been released and is currently at home. He will rejoin the group tomorrow afternoon”.

Robin Alam/ISI Photos/Getty Images

“I repeat, his presence is at risk, but I’m not ruling him out! He is not ruled out, and there are still several days to go. Anything can happen; he might recover, and he could even decide to play even if he’s not 100%”.“Who would tell him no? So, let’s wait, but these are difficult days for him and the team”.

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